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Elisa Lakin, Martin K. Church, Marcus Maurer, Oliver Schmetzer (2019)


Investigators at the Department of Dermatology and Allergy of Berlin Charity University Hospital studied autoreactive IgE in chronic spontaneous urticaria patients.

The investigation had three main objectives: quantify and investigate chronic spontaneous urticaria autoreactive IgE physiochemical nature and recognize its patterns compared with healthy control IgE.

IgE autoreactivity, autoantigen recognition patterns and lipophilicity were assessed in sera from 7 chronic spontaneous urticaria and 7 healthy subjects. Although total IgE levels did not differ significantly, the autoreactive proportion of IgE in chronic spontaneous urticaria subjects was 1000-fold higher than that of healthy ones. Chronic spontaneous urticaria IgE differed from healthy control IgE by recognizing 7-fold more and different autoantigens. The median serum level of lipophilic IgE was 1,4-fold higher in chronic spontaneous urticaria subjects.

The analysis revealed that lipophilicity correlated with autoreactivity. Chronic spontaneous urticaria autoreactive IgE is more lipophilic than that of IgE from healthy individuals, which will lead to the development of new diagnostic tests and therapies.

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